SIV introduces the green building certification EDGE to fight the global climate crisis
"Green construction can spur low-carbon economic growth and create skilled jobs in African countries for decades to come"

SIV designs Green Buildings Technologies, that increases transparency, reduces costs and improves asset value in the short & long term.

From SIV perspective, EDGE certification means living or working in a building that reduces energy costs,saves on water usage, and uses the right building materials. It’s also about ensuring quality indoor ambience and considering how to ensure the sustainability of the planet.

Emerging evidence indicates that green buildings are higher-value, lower-risk assets than standard structures. Besides lowering energy consumption, and therefore operational costs, green buildings typically achieve higher sales premiums and attract and retain better tenants at higher capacity, ensuring a more continuous revenue stream.

Here’s a quick summary of green building benefits for each of the major market players:

• Homeowners: significant utility savings, better resale value and better thermal comfort

• Developers: product differentiation and increased marketability

• Governments: opportunities to raise the bar on building regulations and create fiscal and non-fiscal incentives

• Investors – lower investment risk and a wider share of the market

• In addition to the above, perhaps the greatest beneficiary of all is the environment

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An impact-focused investment platform dedicated to Africa, investing in Green and Social Infrastructure
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