Tackling the Climate Crisis Start in Cities

“Housing is a Climate Infrastructure"
With 70% of global CO2 emissions coming from urban areas, where 7 out of 10 people will live by 2050, the solution to the climate crisis requires bold climate action in cities.

Estimates show that green house gas emissions in cities can be reduced by almost 90% by 2050 with technically feasible measures, which could also contribute to millions of green jobs. This presents a considerable opportunity for investment, especially from private actors.

How can Green, Resilient Housing Address Climate Change in Cities?  

Cities are also where climate change poses the greatest risk, and where we have the biggest opportunities for green, resilience and adaptation of new and existing buildings.

SIV's Climate-Smart Communities

There is great urgency for economies and societies to become more climate-resilient

Climate change is not only one of the greatest environmental and development challenges facing the world today, it is one that will have critical impacts on human rights and inequalities, including gender inequality.

According to the United Nations 33.6 billion people live in contexts that are highly vulnerable to climate change, adaptation needs to take place on a much larger scale. Communities vulnerable to climate change are the least able to adapt and mitigate. 

Buildings and Urban Infra are vulnerable to climate change – which may impact both structural features of the building and indoor conditions of the building, potentially resulting in negative impacts on health, well-being, and productivity. 

SIV’s aim is to study the best sustainable designs for warm climate zones to unleash their potential. SIV focuses on a bioclimatic design approach, green urban infrastructure, low-energy cooling techniques and local construction materials, already in use in the warmer parts of Africa.

SIV is working to address climate adaptation on several fronts:

             Climate resilient: applying the Building Resilience Index, an IFC tool funded by the Dutch and Australian governments and the Rockefeller                     Foundation. SIV will design, develop and construct project that assess, improve and disclose their resilience.

                Green: applying IFC EDGE, the internationally recognised green building certification system, SIV will build its projects in a resource and energy                    efficient way, using local construction materials and teams and deploying renewable energy solutions.                         
SIV's Climate Adaptation & Mitigation

Introduction of innovation in building materials
Green & Recycled Materials:

Green and Recycled Materials are a worldwide mega-trend and the use of so-called “waste-to-wealth” materials in construction is forecast to increase in virtually every major market.
As resources become increasingly scarce and prices of basic items increase, reuse and recycling is a sustainable low-cost solution. With the chronic high cost of cement, green alternatives have been well-explored as substitute binders or cement extenders in construction materials.
These low-cost recycled or waste materials  which reduce the cost of construction without sacrificing strength or quality.

Indigenous Materials:

Indigenous Materials should be more widely used as lower-cost alternatives to conventional or imported materials if construction costs are to come down.
Sustainable construction is a form of construction that requires knowledge in use of readily available building materials which have low carbon emission and also reusable and recyclable for other functions, and produced on site or nearby area to ease transportation cost.

The proportion of cement produced in Africa is expected to rise from 26% currently to 37% by 2050.
This is related to the rapid growth of the urban population in Africa.
The development of low carbon-emitting, cement-based materials and construction technology from local materials contributes to resilient infrastructure, promotes inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fosters innovation (SDG 9).
We are SIV
An impact-focused investment platform dedicated to Africa, investing in Green and Social Infrastructure
© 2021 Africa Impact Partners Inc. all rights reserved
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