Human Development
SIV envisages inclusive cities and human settlements that are “participatory, promote civic engagement, engender a sense of belonging and ownership among their inhabitants".

SIV enhances social and intergenerational interaction, cultural expression and political participation, as appropriate, and foster social cohesion and pluralistic societies, where the needs of all inhabitants are met, recognising the specific needs of those in vulnerable situations.

SIV supports human development in partner countries, through the development of social infrastructure, which includes social/affordable housing, healthcare facilities, education premises and sport areas.

SIV also creates social services including health, childcare, elderly care, employment, sanitation and waste collection.
SIV has four interrelated strands of action as priority areas:
Promoting the social dimension of sustainable urban development through inclusive and safe cities in order to better fight urban poverty and exclusion. Children and women are the center of our communities.
Promoting green and resilient cities. Environmental sustainability is fundamental to ensuring the prosperity and well-being.
Promoting prosperous and innovative cities with a particular focus on education for children, growth and job creation.
Promoting good urban governance by strengthening the capacity of the authorities at all levels of government in integrated planning and public finance management and fostering women's empowerment in urban governance matters.

SIV's sees housing as a human right not a commodity

An estimated one third of deaths worldwide are linked to poverty and inadequate housing and the immense impact of substandard housing and homelessness on the rights to life, security and dignity for the most vulnerable populations is undeniable.

“We reclaim and realize the fundamental human right to housing, to move away from housing as a place to park excess capital, to housing as a place to live in dignity, to raise families and participate in their community”

Housing is only adequate if it is affordable, if it has potable water, sanitation facilities, electricity and other basic services and if it is close to schools, health services and employment opportunities: Social Infrastructure.

Women and the right to adequate housing
Enabling the delivery of affordable homes is a unique opportunity to advance gender equality and improve lives.

In a world that is urbanizing rapidly, and when cities are expected to host 60% of people globally by 2030, women, men, girls and boys experience urbanization and cities differently. It is thus paramount to design, plan and build inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities where no one is left behind, especially women and girls. 

SIV’s vision of “a better quality of life for all in an urbanizing world” can offer various benefits for women and girls, as cities open the doors to more diverse employment and education opportunities, better access to healthcare and more possibilities to redefine the traditional roles of men and women. 

SIV is committed to advancing gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls as an integral part of its
projects and interventions with a special focus on the areas of equal accessibility, mobility, safety from violence, security of tenure and resilience to climate change.
Women face discrimination in many aspects of housing because of factors such as poverty, age, class, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
A secure and affordable home positively transforms women’s lives across these different contexts, reducing vulnerabilities and mitigating the threat of unsafe spaces.
Women are disproportionately represented among people living in poverty, with some estimates indicating that as many as 70% of the world’s poor are women.
We are SIV
An impact-focused investment platform dedicated to Africa, investing in Green and Social Infrastructure
© 2021 Africa Impact Partners Inc. all rights reserved
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