SIV RentCo

"Affordable housing rental platform"
About 90% of Africa’s population is unable to buy a home and need to rely on rental, SIV will offer both for sale and for rent properties.

Because of affordability constraints, rental markets will play a formidable role in promoting decent housing in Africa, especially for low-income earners, youth, migrants and women.

SIV RentCo
will hold the income-producing assets as social/affordable housing and social facilities.

The masked reality is that there remains a large segment of African households that cannot afford to buy a house, even one that is heavily subsidized. For many African households, renting is the unique alternative to home ownership.

In many African cities, a vast number of African households are currently tenants.

Affordable Rental Market to Adress Housing Crisis  

Landlords due to an “informal rental sector” are characterized as slumlords, who create negative externalities, contributing to urban decay.

With about 90% of Africa’s population unable to buy a house
or even qualify for a mortgage, there is a justified need for a shift towards formal rental housing as a critical option to solve the housing crisis in Africa.

The formal rental sector deserves greater attention and expertise, as properly developed rental markets can play a formidable role in promoting affordable and decent housing in Africa, especially for the low-income earners.

Hence rental housing is very much needed for starters and households with low or irregular income, which represent more than 75% of the populations across the continent .

According to the Centre of Affordable Housing Finance 80% of Africa's population living in urban areas are renters.

The student accommodation platform

"SIV StudentCo"

Overcrowding in African universities extends to student accommodations, which affects student outcomes. With scarce on-campus accommodation options, students are forced to seek housing  that’s often far away from the university. The extra burden of commuting to school can negatively affect learning outcomes and ultimately lead to a decrease in enrollment rates.

Demand for new purpose-built student accommodation across Africa is anticipated to exceed 500,000 beds over the next five years. Public sector budget constraints leave the private sector with an opportunity to bridge the gap.

Student housing has not been keeping pace with the growth of higher education, so there’s been a huge backlog of undelivered supply.
SIV REIT: Africa's Affordable Residential REIT
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An impact-focused investment platform dedicated to Africa, investing in Green and Social Infrastructure
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