SIV DevCo is the development company of our SIV Africa rental platform.

SIV DevCo build rent to own low-cost houses and delivers the rental houses for SIV RentCo.
The African opportunity
The Rise of Cities and the Social Infrastructure Gap
Future urbanization poses unique and urgent challenges for the provision of adequate housing. Access to a diverse, quality and affordable housing stock will set a foundation for inclusive growth in rapidly urbanizing cities.

The UN estimates that more than 200 million people in Africa are living in slums in 2020

SIV participates in the building of an ecosystem consisting of an affordable housing scheme and also bringing social facilities as affordable healthcare, education and sport facilities to our projects. 

"Social Infrastructure
at the centre of the COVID-19 recovery"

2020 will forever be remembered as the year we all stayed at home!

The public sector and DFIs are recognizing the link between social infrastructure and growth, but the opposite is also true: poor social infrastructure can undermine economic growth and exacerbate poverty.

Aside from the economic impact, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the persistent state of disaster in which a majority of urban households across the continent live.

The demographics of the African continent are a challenging factor for sustainable development, if affordable housing isn't available in the relevant areas, no matter how much money is being poured into infrastructure and private equity investments, we will not reach the minimum objectives in the affordable housing supply.

SIV’s development plan is to invest in Secondary Cities

According to the World Bank, Secondary Cities make up almost 40% of the world cities population. Nearly two-thirds of these are located in Africa and Asia.

While the importance of secondary cities is increasingly recognised, growing inequalities are emerging between systems of cities and regions, with metropolitan areas often prospering at the expense of smaller cities and rural areas.

Secondary Cities form an important part of an emerging global system of cities, which will have a much stronger influence in the future upon the economic development of countries.
SIV Corporate & Legal Structure
We are SIV
An impact-focused investment platform dedicated to Africa, investing in Green and Social Infrastructure
© 2021 Africa Impact Partners Inc. all rights reserved
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