SIV calls for a change in the way we think and interact with housingand home and sees housing as a human right not a commodity
Housing is only adequate if it is affordable, if it has potable water,sanitation facilities, electricity and other basic services and if it is closeto schools, health services and employment opportunities: SocialInfrastructure.
The right to housing is interdependent with other socio-economic humanrights such as rights to health, education, and employment. It is alsointegrally connected to rights to non-discrimination and equality.
Adequate housing is crucial to the social conditions necessary for humandignity, it is intimately connected to the right to life.
The right to adequate housing is too frequently disconnected from theright to life and core human rights values, treated more as a policy aspirationthan as a fundamental right which demands timely rights-based responses andaccess to justice.
An estimated one third of deaths worldwide are linked to poverty andinadequate housing and the immense impact of substandard housing andhomelessness on the rights to life, security and dignity for the mostvulnerable populations is undeniable.