Joost has been co-CEO of Cardano Development since January 2015 where his role has been to oversee the growth of the group which now includes the management of five funds including TCX, GuarantCo, Frontclear Management, BIX Capital, and the AGRI3 Fund and the development of a number of start-ups.
He was CEO of Cardano Development’s first institutional management mandate, TCX, since it was created in 2007. Joost was the Director for Africa at the Dutch development bank, FMO between 2000 and 2005. He started FMO’s capital market desk in anticipation of the TCX fund in 2006.
Between 1994 and 2000, Joost was active in ABN AMRO’s structured and project finance departments and responsible for a number of landmark transactions. He started his career as a field engineer for Schlumberger Oilfield Services.
Joost is Non-Executive Chairman of GuarantCo Management Company, Frontclear Management, BIX Capital and WFF. He has an MSc in mining engineering from the Delft University of Technology and an MBA from the Rotterdam School of Management.
Member of:
Cardano Development Foundation Board and Supervisory Board.