Anna Vilarrubi
CIO and Partner

Anna has 14 years of experience investing in real estate and urban infrastructure in Africa and more than 20 years of experience in the Planning and control sector. She joined SIV in 2021 as partner.

Prior to that, she worked for more than 13 years as Head of Planning and Control at Mixta Africa Holdco, a leading real estate developer in Africa with subsidiaries in 8 countries. At Mixta Africa, she was responsible of the Project monitoring committee. She was also responsible for the preparation of all corporate reporting, including analysisfor the Board of Directors and Management Committee and participated very actively in dealing with institutional investors and equity fund raising processes (Morgan Stanley, IFC, Kingdom Zephyr, Guarantco, Shelter Afrique...).  Before that, she worked in France for four years as Head of the financial and commercial control at Galeries Lafayette and four years as Responsible of commercial control at Uralita (a Spanish multinational building materials company)

She graduated in Economics and Business Administration from Universidad de Barcelona and holds an MBA from BAB.

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An impact-focused investment platform dedicated to Africa, investing in Green and Social Infrastructure
© 2021 Africa Impact Partners Inc. all rights reserved
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